Health Campaign at Nekang Pe Mugoum festival, Bamougoum, 5th June 2021
In December 2019, occurred in mainland China COVID-19. The virus quickly spread to the planet's extension. To cope with its propagation and limit damage around the world, countries have adopted a set of measures. These measures called barrier measures have come up with new temporalities in the ways of doing ...

Summer 2019 in Cameroon with the WALI (Water For Life) project
Three days was the time for the maintenance of the 7 drinking water systems installed in Bangoua in the 2 most popular districts of the Group. It is a project initiated by WEBDEV Foundation and its partners to help solve the problem of lack of water in the locality of ...

Pieusekouh 2018 Cameroon
Pieusekouh is a project with the objective of "improving the conditions and capacities of access to education and consequently improving the school results of children in Cameroon". Some books We got the support from our international partner ABARKA (from Spain) and with this we could conduct activities in 3 villages ...

[:en]WaLi team in Bangoua moving ahead in 2018[:es]El equipo WaLi en Bangoua avanzando en 2018[:]
[:en]In October-November 2017, an international team travelled to Bangoua with the purpose to initiate the Project Water for Life. During 5 weeks, 10 technicians received an intensive training on basic self and water supply technics, then a workshop have been opened to help those technicians continuing practicing and promote the ...

[:en]We, ABARKA (through its local counterpart WebDev Foundation) and TADEH have just finished the Water for Life (WaLi) project in its phase 1. What we have done: 1- Training in EMAS technologies with sessions on how to make bombs. 2- installation of the EMAS pump on a well for the ...

Davide Delvai, Italy 2017
My goals were to help with the various activities concerning the different projects both in manual and intellectual way. My personal goals were to experience a different way of living, without all the comforts that I use to have and to understand more my personal soft skills. Concerning the Madiba ...

Francesca Gigliotti, Italy 2017
My goals to work with Webdevfoundation were know the new culture in the real environment and have a good experience with children and also with the others volunteers of difference country. I would like to know the real life of the persons that live so far then my city because ...

[:en]Madiba Cameroon Project 2017[:es]Proyecto Madiba Camerún 2017[:]
[:en]As every year since 2011, the Madiba Cameroon caravan for its seventh consecutive year lays its bags once more on the land of Bangoua, birth lands of the founder of WebDev Foundation. It is around July 23 that the first international volunteers will tread the ground of the project, joining ...

Susy Jian, Italy 2014 & 2017
[:en]My main goal was to have an experience in education with kids and to grow personally speaking. I met Madiba project in 2014 when I was in Cameroon for another internship in an NGO working in Human Rights fields. Already three years ago I was impressed of this project because I saw ...
On the Run From Boko Haram (MAY 13, 2015 5:02 AM EDT)
“They forced us to kill, otherwise we would have been killed,” says Djibrine, a 12-year-old from eastern Chad who was sent with other boys from his village to northern Nigeria a year ago to study at a Koranic school. Soon after the boys arrived, armed men from the Islamist militant ...
213 enfants suivi par WebDev Foundation depuis le 12 janvier 2015 à Banfoussam
Rendu déjà à la quatrième semaine de travail dans le cadre de la 3ème édition annuelle, le projet Every Child is Ours (ECHO) vise le renforcement des capacités des enfants démunis dans les écoles primaires et les centres sociaux. Avec plus de 213 enfants enthousiastes, participatifs, contents d’apprendre de nouvelles ...

Beñat Aranburu, Spain 2014
My name is Beñat and I live in the Basque Country. Last summer, I travelled around Cameroon for a few weeks. Before going to Cameroon I had the opportunity to get in touch with Webdev Foundation, a Cameroonian NGO that is willing to help communities around the country. Once I ...
Women Empowering Training in Bamenda, February 7th 2012
Last weekend, we got a trip to Bamenda for an Empowering Capacity of 12 Women Bamenda from Aurel Enterprise and Techno Bamenda (5hours training - 2 modules - 4 games). Baseline of the training: 1- How to welcome Guest, Visitors and Costumers, 2- Effective Logistics management. This training aimed to reinforce ...
10 Steps to a Successful Fundraising Event
Fundraising events are a popular form of fundraising. While they can be great money makers for an organization, they can also be time consuming and expensive. The success of events depends on careful planning. (Yes, you should have a written event plan for every event you hold!) To help you ...
Why paying to Volunteer
Below is an excerpt from a book on international volunteering that helps to explain the necessity of this fee. How to Live Your Dream of Volunteering Oversea. Prospective volunteers are surprised to learn that many programs charge their volunteers a fee to participate. At first, this can seeem ridiculous -Why ...

Asan (China), 2014
Asanfsky Li, AIESEC ZZU I am Asan Li, I arrived in Douala, Cameroon in 10th , July,2014 and began my EP trip. It took me more than 6 hours from Douala to my intern village: Bangoua, which was located in West Cameroon. At the very start, I was scared by ...

Miranda (China), 2014
I was very glad to be in the team of the Webdev Foundation. I spent 4 weeks with lots of great partners: Asan, Manuela, Shandy, Stefan, Sean, Anna, Juana, Clara, Franklin, Aristide, Jason, Song, Stephen, Gustav, Gildas and our chief Clotaire. I had a very great time, and together we ...

Clara Huelskemper (Germany), 2014
I enjoyed working with the international team very much, and I am sure that the students, too, enjoyed the cultural exchange. Sessions like Chinese were only possible with the Chinese volunteers. However, I do think that in the next years there should be more French lessons for the volunteers. They ...

Onome Samuel (Nigeria), 2013
The working relation was a mixture of pressure and also relaxed. There were times things got dragging and there also times things were running smooth. In general, the supervision from the CEO shows a great deal of leadership. The works of the organization is perhaps a saving grace to the people in ...
Coady Institute’s Global Change Leaders Program 2015 for Women’s Leadership
Deadline: 9 January 2015 Coady Institute’s International Centre for Women’s Leadership is inviting applications for the Global Change Leaders Program. It is a seven-week education program which seeks to enable women from developing countries to reinforce their leadership capacities in order to contribute to innovation and change in their communities ...

3rd annual ECHO Project in Cameroon
Our most concerned target are deprived children in orphanages and school where most of students are from very poor families. In 2015, we will be working in the cities of Bafoussam and Bandjoun with 2 orphanages and 3 primary schools. More than 350 Kids are awaiting for our project to ...

Aska Czechowska (UK & Poland), 2013
Getting on the project: Finding the project was rather tricky as it would not come up when I was searching the internet for volunteering in Africa. One of my friends mentioned doing work exchange as a part of her university and I used that phrase to search. Eventually I came ...

Sabina Li (China), 2013
Before I went to cameroon, it’s totally a blank to me.Although there were a lot of message came to me,I knew that’s not true,there are still lots of misunderstanding of africa,so one of my goal is to explore the real africa by myself. And also,there were lots of volunteering I ...

Naroa Ibargoyen (Spain), 2014
My name is Naroa, I live on the north of Spain, and this summer I’ve been travelling around Cameroon. During my trip, I had the opportunity to visit WebDev Foundation. It is a local NGO covering many projects which I really found interesting and somehow related to each other. What ...

Constance Chou (China), 2013
On the second day I arrived at the intern house in Bangoua, TTT, short for Train The Trainer, was held, lasting 3 days, which is aimed to help trainers know more about the organization and the project. Meanwhile, we got to know each other and developed level of understanding various ...

Melanie Kunz (Germany) 2013
I had the chance to go on the fields in villages where Webdev works. I went to an orphanage. Just a house with an almost empty room and view chairs and an inner courtyard. The kids are very open minded and came directly to us and we played together many ...

Linda Koenigsmann (Allemagne) 2013
Cameroun...qu’est-ce que je savais avant d‘être venue ? Pas beaucoup. Bien sur, le séjour était bien organisé par Bobga Gerald et Hope Foundation/ Clotaire Ntienou et WEBDEV Foundation, quand même, je ne savais pas exactement où je vais rester, où je vais travailler avec qui je vais vivre. Une fois ...

Tanja Aumer (Germany) 2013
Despite of some difficulties, it was interesting to see how a NGO in Africa is working and I learnt to learn out of my mistakes and mistakes of others. So I see it nevertheless positive as an experience where one can learn from. I also think that everyone did a ...

Robert Hör (Germany) 2013
The first days we spent at the school were used to deliver the same sessions like in the orphanage. In workshops adapted to the classes we implemented them. Afterwards we split us up. Everyone had one class to teach a language. I had the oldest children and tried to deliver ...

Ana De La Barra (Brazil) 2013
My personal goal was to have an impact on the children, teach them subjects that would be usefull and inspire them. Also encourage them to be curious and interested in the world different cultures, news and information, but mostly to study, that way they can change their life for better, ...

Rosa Willock (UK) 2012
My expectations of the project If I am honest my expectations of the project were quite naive. I had travelled alot before and I think I expected the project to be like my previous experience. I did not consider the working aspect of the internship at all. I applied to ...

Nathalie (China) 2012
Every experience matters This is the first time I come to this continent, africa. I've experienced omething I never think about. I wrote my own story here.What ever it is good or bad, every part of it influence me and make me better. I saw the difference between different culture ...

Marina Khun (France) 2011
Dans un premier temps, je suis partie une semaine en avance dans le village concerné, accompagné des managers et de deux autres stagiaires pour promouvoir le projet auprès des églises et de certains lieux clés pour coller les affiches, distribuer les prospectus, en tentant d’inscrire déjà un maximum de participants ...

Jean Sebastien (Canada) 2011
Durant le séjour, j’ai été responsable de la gestion du volet sur l’entrepreneuriat en collaboration avec une équipe solide et très disciplinée. Je m’acquittais aussi du travail technique comme la traduction des présentations et leur élaboration en vue d’être présentées aux participants. J’ose espérer que j’ai été d’une certaine aide ...

Kamila Simkova (Czeck Republic)
I did come to Yaounde earlier, so I had opportunity to create my own sessions. Thanks to this a learned a lot about specific topics. There were also held sessions for interns about various topics which should be delivered in the villages, which were really interesting for me. I was ...

Sabrina Lim Siew Lee (Malaysia) 2011
I had been in the project for 57days, arrive earlier at Yaounde to prepare for the project. Attended Train the Trainer program. Team leader of CSR subject in charge of 6 members. Facilitator and co facilitator, reporter of Health , Entrepreneurship, English, IT and Community works. Personally, I had learn ...

Amelie Dufour (Netherland) 2011
From Summer 2011 Project in Bangoua: The most important thing I achieved is to adapt myself quickly in a totally different (working) situation than I’m used to. There were some moments in which I found this was very difficult, but I think that I achieved a lot in terms of ...

Yujin Lee (Netherland) 2011
First of all, I can now better explain about malaria, HIV/AIDS, cholera. I've realized how the information that I had was little. Moreover, I did not know much about cholera before, but now I feel like I've become almost an expert of the disease. I had never known that how ...