Clotaire Ntienou, Founder
I am Clotaire Ntienou A Cameroonian born in Bangoua. Graduated from the University of Yaounde I in Sociology, Major: Population and Development, Certified Trainer BYB Microsoft, Certified NGO Management with Sylvia Bongo Foundation. Responsible for projects with AIESEC in Yaounde and then National President with AIESEC in Gabon. Currently Founder and CEO of the WebDev Foundation ( www.webdevfoundation.org) working in field of health, children’s education and development of young people through activities around the global ...

Anne-Marie Fandeu, Country Manager China
I joined the WEBDEV FOUNDATION as a participant in 2011, an organization that has given me more reason to believe in my dreams and life projects. An organization that thanks to the welcoming spirit and the enthusiastic spirit of its members gave me the opportunity to see the life of a sense more pleasant compared to the time when I sailed without really knowing how organize, or what I would be in this life. I ...

Aristide Kuitche, Project Manager
I am a young person always motivated. Always ready to take the challenge and go beyond the challenges I encounter. I would like to see the youth of my country take initiatives for its own future. I have therefore engaged with WEBDEV FOUNDATION to support those young people who wish to realize their dreams so that together we can contribute to the emergence of our country. Working for WebDev Foundation, I was able to develop ...

Vanessa, volunteer
Vanessa, sharing her experience after Madiba Cameroon 2017 Vanessa participating in the documentary of Madiba Cameroon 2016 ...

Paule Sylvanie Menyo, Health program coordinator
Paule Sylvanie, speaking about her experience in French after the Madiba Cameroon 2017 Paule Sylvanie, speaking about her experience in English after the Madiba Cameroon 2017 ...

Kevin Sob, Volunteer and representative in Douala
I am Kevin SOB young Cameroonian and student, passionate about community development and very active in volunteering with WebDev Foundation. I am one of those who think that the development of Cameroon, as of Africa as well, begins with the rural areas and that will be done with its youth. It's been about 2 years already that I work alongside WebDev foundation as a volunteer member. From my experience I think there is so much ...