Our project is so called in memory of Nelson Mandela. The “Useful Holidays” project has been renamed to honor this great figure, who has now entered history as one of the greatest peacebuilders in the world. He once said, “Education is the most powerful weapon we can use to change the world.” The choice of this name is motivated by the fact of his many actions to promote peace and equity despite all the difficulties he has faced, especially his 27 years in prison have in no way broken his love for the peace and solidarity. He thus brought many leaders of the world to unite and understand the meaning of the word peace. All his life is a teaching that we must honor and teach others. The first lesson we want to convey through this project lies in understanding cultural differences as an asset for the development and flourishing of contemporary societies.
This includes a set of programs that is intended to strengthen the momentum and promote responsible youth participation in the development process of our country. The materialization of this project passes by the strengthening of the capacities of the populations in rural zones during the periods of school holidays in the fields of:
- Education with workshops and training around Health, Computer science, Entrepreneurship, culture, languages , Motivation and goal settings.
- Social Responsibility: with activities such as Surprise to my mom, intercultural exchange and immersion, Community works, cultural fairs, health days, blood donations.
- Ecotourism: Is a set of trips that aim to promote Cameroon as destination to our volunteers. Theses trips will be done during weekend and also at the end of the project. Volunteers/Interns will have opportunities to visit cities, villages, mountain, landscapes views, tea farms, zoo, monkey islands, pygmies village, beaches, museums, water falls…
Results of the project.
Since 2011, more than 750 youth trained on various topics, +12.000 people sensitized on health diseases such as HIV/AIDS, Malaria, Cholera… 26 bloods bags of 0,5liters each donated, 1 water well rehabilitated…
Conditions to be volunteer.
At least 18 years old, be motivated, fill the form by clicking on “become a volunteer” link, be ready to participate on the train the trainer course in Cameroon or online before the trip, seek funds +/- 300 € for covering your accommodation, food (2-3 meals per day), airport pick-up, integration in the city…