Pieusekouh is a project with the objective of “improving the conditions and capacities of access to education and consequently improving the school results of children in Cameroon”.

We got the support from our international partner ABARKA (from Spain) and with this we could conduct activities in 3 villages of Western Cameroon in October and November 2018.
In Bangoua, we have worked with the Collège Evangélique de Bangoua (partner since 2011 for the Madiba Cameroon project). There we have distributed 12 school backpacks to two best of each level (6) in the computation of the year 2017. These stood out with their work and overcoming the subjects being first. The contents of each backpack: notebooks, books, pens, pencils, mathematical tools …

In Babou, 3 children have received books and we paid their school fees. Locadine, their mother is the lady who supports us with the Impact Babou agriculture project. Her low standard of living does not allow her to be able to fulfill all expenses of her family especially educational expenditures and her husband does not have a often a job. In fact, it has been presented as an occasion to be able to help her take her family forward.

In Bangangte, a family consisting of two grandparents and four teens receives the installation of the electricity network at home and the connection to the state network. Electricity is very important because without it, the children do not dream of any future and can not have the opportunity to go further in their education. This action increases self-confidence, motivation and willingness to be part of the community. Normally, this project could be almost impossible for this family looking at where they live and given their social and economic conditions.

We finished this project for 2018 very grateful to have been able to do it with the support of our donors, because without them we could not get it done.